The registration form usually states that you will need to pay some fees to the registrar. But, these fees are not as much as you may imagine. Generally, the fee is just around $30 or so for every new company that you wish to get registered pvt ltd company registration in Chennai, including how to register a company in Chennai.
How to Register Company & Firm in INDIA? Process | pvt ltd company registration in chennai
You will then be asked to provide all the necessary documents like the Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association Certificate, and any other relevant documents that are required for your new company. After you have provided all the necessary information, then the registrar will send a formal letter to your company stating all the documents that you have provided.
Registration takes some time and it will cost you a lot of time. But the money you spent will definitely be worth it as you will be able to set up a registered International Company from anywhere in India. This will increase your chances of getting a job in a reputed Company in Chennai. Also, if you plan to invest in India, then you will have no problems in case of investment in the future as you will not be required to provide any other papers.
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